The following graphs were built using Greenvale’s publicly available financial data that was provided at the 2/20/2025 Board Meeting. A community member analyzed this data at no cost to Responsibly Rural or the Responsibly Rural candidates. The commentary and opinions around the analyzed data are those of the community member.
The General Fund has begun to bleed money from the township. Spending on the General Fund typically consists of items to operate the township. These items include maintenance and utilities of the town hall, insurance, office supplies, wages and reimbursable expenses of elected and appointed town officials, reimbursable expenses of the elected and appointed town officials, and for professional services. Professional services are typically the Town Planner and the attorneys. Spending out of the General Fund is largely controlled by the Supervisors.
The blue bars on the graph below show the amount spent each year for the last five years out of the General Fund. The brown line shows the levy that was voted on by the taxpayers at the annual meetings for the General Fund. For each of the five years presented, the General Fund has spent more than what was collected from the Levy. From 2023 to 2024, spending increased $118,659, or 101%. Spending in the General Fund in 2024 was 5 times the amount of levy. From 2020 to 2024, spending in the General Fund increased by $173,774, or 278%.

Inflation has played a small role in the increase; however, most of this increase was made through conscious decisions by current sitting board members. Over $100,000 of the General Fund spending in 2024 was related to legal fees for a lawsuit against previous township officials. Those previous township officials applied for and were granted a summary judgement to end the case. However, the current board has decided to appeal the summary judgement. Decisions like this come at a substantial cost with no actual benefit to the residents and/or taxpayers of the township. Decisions like this continue to deplete the reserves that were built up. Decisions like this will come at a cost to all taxpayers of the township. Decisions like this are irresponsible.
The Roads and Fire Funds are essential services the community is happy to support. Some years these funds have spent in excess of the levied amounts, but they have also spent less than the levied amount in other years. These funds appear to be managed much better and more consistently than the General Fund.

The Roads Fund provides funding for all road related maintenance and projects. Grading, dust control, snow removal, adding gravel, replacing culverts, and other emergency road repairs area all examples of expenses that are covered under the Roads Fund. The Roads Fund can fluctuate due to weather conditions from year to year. Unexpected road repairs and material price variances can affect the spending in this fund.

The Fire Fund provides funding for the township’s rural fire service that is provided by Northfield. Greenvale Township joins several other townships surrounding Northfield to contribute to protecting our rural communities. Expenses for the Fire Fund are typically known in advance and are determined by third parties